TBOA - Truro Boat Owners Association
TBOA Message Input Form
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Nominations are being sought for the role of Club Treasurer, please contact the Club Committee for more information on the role & duties of this position. 19/09/2023 _____________________________________________________________________ For those that use the yard, please see updated Health & Safety and Risk Assessment documents in the Members Area (Login Required). ____________________________________________________________________ Please see updated & amended club rules (New Tab - 'Club Rules' ____________________________________________________________________ TBOA Yard - Fire extinguishers This is to inform all TBOA boat yard members that two large 9kg dry powder fire extinguishers have been placed in the yard mounted in purpose made red weather proof enclosures. One is on the wall of the yellow shed facing you as you leave and the other is on the railway sleeper wall half way down the yard on the right hand side. For emergency use only! Phil Coltman/John Butler. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The yard and layup committee are: Chris Rowe Paul Thomas Keith Harris Mark Arrow Please may I also remind members that there is now no rubbish disposal in the yard and that all waste has to be taken away and dealt with ourselves. Chris Rowe ___________________________________________________________________ ******** Important Message ******** Would all TBOA members and their sub-contractors using the yard please ensure that the gate padlock is always left in the locked position with the combination tumbled, whether the gate is open or shut. Since the layup I have seen this padlock left open with the combination showing on at least four seperate occasions. This obviously represents a serious security risk to all our property and it is in the interests of all the members to be vigilant. Please take care with this.
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